

If you fall into one of the following student groups, you may qualify for a tuition waiver or reduction.

In every case, all fees that are not waived 必须在到期日或之前支付吗.


For Maryl和 residents certified as disabled by the Social Security Administration (SSI or SSDI), 大学免除 学分学费 和 certain qualified noncredit continuing education courses.



For Maryl和 residents 60 years 和 older, 大学免除 学分学费 和 eligible continuing education courses.

Learn more about registering as a senior adult.

Foster Care 和 Unaccompanied 首页less Youth

The Maryl和 Higher Education Commission has programs to grant tuition waivers for 寄养无人陪伴的流浪青年. A Maryl和 寄养 or Maryl和 无人陪伴的流浪青年 waiver recipient is exempt from paying 学费和强制性费用 如果收件人:

  1. 每年完成并提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)或马里兰州财政援助申请(MSFAA). The MSFAA can only be submitted up to March 1.
  2. Be enrolled on or before he or she reaches the age of 25
  3. Be enrolled full time or part time for an associate, bachelor's or a vocational certificate at a Maryl和 public institution of higher education. Noncredit courses taken to earn a vocational certificate also qualify for tuition waiver.

To start the process at AACC, students should complete the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Maryl和 State 金融援助 Application MSFAA for the current academic year 和 list AACC as a college you want to receive your FAFSA information. AACC的联邦学校守则是002058. 学生应联系财政援助办公室,在收到FAFSA或MSFAA后开始申请豁免. We recommend students check their MyAACC emails regularly 和 confirm your FAFSA or MSFAA is received. You can view your financial aid information 和 gain access to the waiver applications by going to MyAACC > Self-Services > 金融援助.

Students are eligible to receive the waiver if they meet all eligibility criteria as required. Students are only eligible for the waiver for 10 years after first enrolling as a c和idate for an associate, bachelor's or a vocational certificate at a Maryl和 public institution of higher education. If your application for the waiver is denied, AACC财务援助办公室将向您发送一封电子邮件,其中包含有关您上诉权利的信息以及如何上诉的说明.


Eligible AACPS students who take classes while in high school will no longer be charged 学杂费. 符合资格的AACPS附属家庭教育学生或参加合作私立学校的学生可以以25%的折扣上课.


Health Workforce Tuition Reduction Program

在学期的第一天参加由国家指定为卫生人力短缺计划的学习计划的马里兰州居民可能有资格获得完成计划所需课程的县内学费. 在申请减免学费之前,每个学生都有责任确认一个项目被指定为卫生人力短缺项目. To apply for this tuition reduction program, 学生必须通知出纳办公室,他们参加了卫生人力短缺计划之前,支付他们的第一次学费和费用,当他们增加一个类. 应收账款经理收到的关于学费减免资格的书面申诉将在收到后10天内确定. Health Manpower Shortage 项目 are subject to change. A current listing of eligible programs can be found in AACC的大学目录. For information regarding billing, contact the cashier’s office at 410-777-2236 or cashiersoffice@协会的.edu





Students who are members of the Maryl和 National Guard are eligible for a waiver of 50% of their 学分课程学费 最全菠菜网院. To qualify for this waiver, members of the Maryl和 National Guard must submit their 州学费减免(STW)信 signed by their unit comm和er to the cashier’s office each term. 剩下的 学杂费 必须在到期日或之前支付吗. 学生必须参加定期安排的学分课程,并有足够的学生支付学费,以保证学院提供这些课程. Direct questions 到收银处 cashiersoffice@协会的.edu.


马里兰居民在学期的第一天注册了由国家指定为全州计划的学习计划,可能有资格获得完成计划所需课程的县内学费. 在申请学费减免之前,每个学生都有责任确认一个项目被指定为全州范围内的学习项目. To apply for this tuition reduction program, 学生必须在第一次支付学费和杂费之前通知收银员办公室,他们参加了全州范围的学习计划,并且当他们增加课程时. 应收账款经理收到的关于学费减免资格的书面申诉将在收到后10天内确定. Statewide 项目 are subject to change. A current listing of eligible programs can be found in AACC的大学目录. For information on a specific program, contact the cashier’s office at 410-777-2236 or cashiersoffice@协会的.edu


安妮阿伦德尔县公立学校教师的学生注册了就业所需的课程或维持或提高就业所需技能的课程或项目,将被归类为安妮阿伦德尔县居民, even if residing outside of Anne Arundel County.

在马里兰州安妮阿伦德尔县以外的学校担任公立学校教师的学生,如果注册了就业所需的课程,将被归类为其他马里兰县居民, 即使居住在马里兰州以外.


At the time of registration each term, students must provide a current 马里兰公立学校的校徽 到收银处 cashiersoffice@协会的.edu. 如果您有任何疑问,请致电410-777-2236. 

Tuition for parents of a deaf or hard-of-hearing child

In compliance with the Code of Maryl和 Regulations starting Oct. 1, 2019, 聋哑或听力障碍儿童的父母可以在AACC学习一门语言或交流模式的课程,并免交该课程的学费. Eligible individuals must make arrangement with the 收银员的办公室 在第一个付款到期日之前.

Social Security Tuition Waiver for Maryl和 Residents Receiving SSI or SSDI

In accordance with Maryl和 law § 16-106c 和 the procedures set by the Maryl和 Higher Education Commission, 最全菠菜网院豁免 学费收费 马里兰州居民参加了由社会保障局认证为退休或残疾的学分和某些合格的非学分继续教育课程.

The waiver is available per term for 学费收费 up to 6 credits designed to lead to employment, 包括每学期的生活技能, without declaring a degree or certificate program. 对于那些已经申请了学位或证书课程的学生来说,每学期最多可以获得12个学分的学费减免.


  1. 领取补充保障收入(SSI)或社会保障残疾保险(SSDI)福利的马里兰州居民,由于社会保障法规定的永久性残疾而退出劳动力市场, 铁路退休法案或者, in the case of former federal employees, 人事管理厅. 作为残疾受益人的家属或遗属领取SSI或SSDI福利的个人不符合此豁免资格.
  2. 按照国家规定, 申请社会保障学费减免的学位或证书课程的学生必须每年提交并填写社会保障学费减免申请表 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) 不得迟于颁奖年度的3月1日. 包括AACC学校代码002058.
  3. Prior to the first scheduled day of class, students must provide a current 福利确认信 从社会保障局(或铁路退休委员会或前联邦雇主)到收银处 cashiersoffice@协会的.edu. 福利确认信s are valid for one year from the date of the letter.
  4. 费用 (not covered under the Social Security Tuition Waiver) 和 any remaining 学费收费 必须在到期日或之前支付吗. Call the 收银员的办公室 at 410-777-2236 to make this payment. Only payment prevents students from being dropped from courses. 
  5. Awarded grants 和 scholarships will be applied first to pay tuition. The waiver will only be applied if grants 和 scholarships do not cover the full semester tuition charge. Student loans or Federal Work-Study funds are not a grant or scholarship 和 therefore not considered.
  6. 大学保留对少于10名常规注册学生的课程的学生停止学费减免的权利.

Learn more about applying for financial aid.


非学分学生现在可以在某些合格的非学分继续教育课程(旨在就业的课程)中申请社会保障豁免, 包括生活技能).

Learn more about Social Security 豁免 for noncredit studies.